Anqi Ni : People trapped in "appearance anxiety”

Atlasesque is a digitized collage that utilizes etymological restitching of familiar cartography as an alternate way to view the world.

people trapped in appearance anxiety

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Project Statement:

Ni's project, "People trapped in "appearance anxiety", is to explore the aesthetic atmosphere of today's society. The internet has produced a profound impact on how the public considers beauty. In this materialistic era, the definition of "appearance" is like a frame, blindly pursuing the appearance in the frame, disguising oneself under the shell of "exquisite", and gradually losing the way when you came, everyone defines their appearance to meet the aesthetic standards of the public. As illustrated by the project, beauty does not need to be defined by others, and no one can define such a standard. The artwork provides a critical view of appearance anxiety and further helps the public to understand popular culture and fine art. She use different materials and processes in Ni's project, which mostly depends on a video about herself. She hope to create this video to show confidence and body. She will compare herself’s appearance with others on social media such as tiktok and instagrame in her project, and then show her confident side on instagrame to get comments from others. Importantly, the audience will have a new idea toward female beauty and avoid appearance anxiety.


Artist Statement:

Anqi Ni is a female artist who pays much attention to issues related to gender in the digital era, especially when it comes to adults and social media. As an artist born in Hangzhou, China, Anqi Ni live in United States now. The global vision enables Ni to focus on diverse aspects of gender from cross-cultural perspectives. Importantly, her work by video has uncovered diverse aspects of adults' society and explored the impacts of social media on contemporary culture today. Ni's work utilizes different forms to grasp public attention and draw in the viewer as co-author. Her work challenges public perceptions, perspectives, and assumptions toward gender.