

Jady Hom

Whether we acknowledge it or not, our visual sense is responsible for invoking an array of emotions and associations. The slightest details of seemingly ordinary objects conjure contexts, emotions, and memories. In Feeling Colors, Jady Hom utilizes a split screen to highlight some of the natural boldness of colors found in everyday items. Hom emphasizes the beauty of the hues she films, but leaves their interpretation up to the audience. Crisp, clean reflections between solid colors and everyday objects are visually alluring and stir up the need to consider different associations that come to mind. The artist's unique, microscopic lens creates an experience that allows us to fully appreciate the impact our visual sense has on our thoughts, feelings, and ability to reflect on what and how we see.

Email : jady[dot]hom[at]baruchmail[dot]cuny[dot]edu