“The Other Place” collection enables viewers to imagine and explore virtual worlds. Some of the artworks experiment with preparing for the unknown in an unpredictable world and other pieces focus on capitalism and
up for injustices. Isaac Wei’s art game, Liberating the Human Inside takes participants to a futuristic digital world where they can shop, learn, socialize and even work. Wipe Craft, an interactive work by Heenaskshi
Aishwarya Minocha, and Amber Morales, transports players into a germy virtual game world where they can wipe viruses, malware and toxins off the screen with a digital version of the COVID-era’s ubiquitous Clorox wipe to stay safe from
infection. Ji Na Chen, Grace Guo, Ansheng Fan and Gigi Zhao’s work, The Watch Is on the Clock transitions to a world where a hardworking watch is paid minimum wage for its work keeping time digitally for the duration of the
"The Other Place" takes the user into a virtual world where they can explore shopping, cleaning viruses and keeping track of how many hours the watchman has worked.