
Jessica Angamarca

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Artist Statement

In my video I combine physical and digital art making processes to reflect upon the people, places, hobbies, and cultural icons that have shaped who I am today. This was an interesting challenge because I am not someone that reflects often. When I reflect, I find myself in a mourning state of mind and I am very quick to undervalue the pieces of me not tied to an achievement.

The first part of my project consisted of creating 25 collages revolving around my favorite food, movie, music, family memory, hobbies, etc. I ended up making only 12 collages and choose 5 to show in this video. Why? As much as I find animation or video editing interesting, nothing beats creating with my hands. Collages especially are my favorite things to create because the supplies and process is very simple. All you need are a lot of a material such as magazines or paint chips, and an adhesive. I also appreciate that there is no “right” way to make a collage, so I am free to cut, tear, and place the pieces wherever. Overall, the process of creating a collage is very mediative for me. When editing it was especially important to show closeups of all the details and color in each collage.

The 5 collages featured in this video are a Little Mermaid inspired collage, a tree that reminds me of a park my family would go to in the summer, paint tubes plus a paintbrush to represent my background in oil painting, flowers to represent two of my best friends, and a fun Snoopy inspired collage. Creating these 5 collages reminded me how much I cherish and enjoy these pieces of me. I am walking away from this video with a strong reminder to indulge more in the things I like and bring me joy.