The animation Character by Judy Ng explores what influential factors define a generation while highlighting both the connections and the gap between the four most recent generations through so-called improvements. Ng’s single-channel video presents a video game-like environment in which generations of people are treated like generations of technologies, each assumed to be an improvement or development over the last. Pairing visual and auditory elements, Ng creates the appearance of an immersive game experience, transporting viewers to alternate realities where they can’t hide from opposition to social norms.
Ng uses the character selection game screen to challenge the idea of societal progression. The moment of selection provides context on the origins of each generation, yet Ng’s video guides viewers to select the Generation Z character over others. As the Generation Z character gets “built,” the viewer is left to wonder: what makes Gen Z distinct from the others? By associating each generation with the persona of a simple character to choose in a game, Ng makes it easier for the audience to objectify these characters and assess their similarities and differences. Multiple generations appear in Character, but Generation Z quickly becomes the main focus since it is typically perceived as the most advanced generation in terms of intertwining life with technology, games, and the internet. However, is newer always better? By the end of the game, Ng hopes that the audience will question whether the progression of time truly equates to the progression of humankind.