The Decision by Andrew Mo is an animation that highlights a reality faced by many in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic: financial struggles and the consequent pressures entailed. Job shortages, lay-offs, and unexpected life changes contributed to changing the direction of many people’s work lives. The storyline of Mo’s animation is simple to follow, yet dense in content. The animation style allows the audience to imagine the character’s emotions during a series of unfortunate events, and to feel the impact of his actions as the story progresses. We see the character grow and evolve throughout their journey: initially surrounded by people who doubted him and did not think he would be successful, the character proves them wrong by becoming an entrepreneur. Older generations may not always see eye-to-eye with newer generations, and The Decision offers a prime example—sometimes, older generations cannot fully wrap their heads around the idea that one can make a living off of one’s phone. The Decision highlights the dichotomy between the ideology of older generations and the ideology of newer generations.