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Keeping Face

Harry Dwinell


How do we respond when asked, 'How are you?' Are we always truthful, or do we find comfort in a simple 'okay' or 'fine'? The pandemic has brought many challenges, including being separated from our loved ones, working from home, increased alcohol consumption, and inability to sleep. In Keeping Face, Dwinell uses photography and mirrors to glimpse into the subject's emotional well-being in these situations. The aim is to show that it is entirely okay not to be okay. The photographs also remind viewers that we are not alone in our struggles and to check in with our loved ones.

Artist Bio

My name is Harry Dwinell, and I am currently pursuing a master's in Media Studies at The New School, focusing on Documentary Film. I received my undergraduate from the University of Colorado at Boulder with a double major in Psychology and Elementary Education and a minor in Dance. Before attending The New School, I served as a Peace Corps volunteer in The Gambia from 2017-2020.

I am a photographer/videographer and drone operator with past work that focuses on journalism, international development, and street photography. Keeping Face is one of my first concept pieces. I am currently interested in producing content that focuses on emotion and people's mental state, as shown in this project.

Photography IG: @harrydwinellphotography

Drone IG: @harrydwinelldrone
