Choose the Path to Your World

by Momina Din

Artist Statement

Momina is a New York-based artist who loves to capture the world in a shutter of sound. Her passion for photography developed as a child when she used to go through her family photo albums. Her most valuable possession as a kid was her toy camera and as an adult an actual camera that she used to seize both happy and sad moments. Her work is primarily portrait and nature photography; she loves to travel to places that hold the natural beauty of the planet and capturing moments of people that remind her of her family photographs.

Momina started to manipulate photographs using Adobe Photoshop to create optical illusions so that people can use their imagination to devise unique interpretations of her photographs, just like she used to have imaginative interpretations of her family photo albums as a kid. In regards to creating these illusions, she combines multiple images to create a multi-layered photograph that depicts a sentiment. The sentiments are created from her everyday experiences as a young enthusiast who loves to spend time with her family, travel, eat delicious food, and capture her life moments in a photograph. Presently, her work is digitally manipulating photographs as she tries to bring her imagination come to life through her trickery deception in photos.

Project Statement

“Choose the Path to Your World” is a work of digital photography by Momina Din. It is a 3D gallery made in Unity that lets viewers explore the 3 different worlds which have multi-layered images. Each image has several image overlays; come together as one image to depict the emotions of each world. This work is extremely important to the artist's life as she goes through different emotions in life; some days are good and happy, some days are sad and dark, and sometimes it is the combination of both. The intention of the artist for the viewers is to have different feelings and new interpretations as they continue to look at the work. Momina is using her experiences, and each individual will have different feelings from one another based on their experiences in life. Each world is designed to hold unique emotions for the viewers, depending on their unique interpretation of the images. The viewer is to explore all the worlds' and discover their definition of what each world holds in for them. The artist's work is portraying Momina's reality of life and viewer’s will be using their interpretations to understand Momina’s world.