This is Kezia's basic information. Name: Kezia Velista Age: 23 Birthday: 03/02/1997 Location: Astoria, NY Would you like to know more about Kezia?
Kezia is training to become a science attaché for the CIA. She was born and raised in Falls Church, Virginia. . . or so she thought. At 15 years old, she found out that her parents were spies during the spread of communism and they worked for the Ceaușescu regime from 1982 to 1989. Her father began training at 17 years old, while her mother began training at 16 years old. After the execution of the Ceaușescus, Kezia’s parents moved to the United States and gave birth to her older brother.
Upon learning all of this information, Kezia became interested in Soviet Union history as well as the growth of capitalism and bureaucracy in modern civilization. Kezia was recently accepted early into a training program for college students to become attachés. As part of her development, she is required to have people follow her around without her knowing. Kezia frequently goes on Instagram and Reddit to learn about Marxism and socialism as political ideas. Would you like to see her Instagram feed?
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According to Kezia’s internet history and online patterns, she reads a lot about Russian literature, bureaucracy, and war. What do you think Kezia is doing with this information?
Correct! Kezia would just like as much information as possible. She hopes to be stationed in Russia or Ukraine someday. Would you like to see Kezia’s internet history?
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